Frequently Asked Questions.
Depending on the coaching package you choose, we will arrange a payment plan that works best for you. Typically, this is a monthly payment schedule either online via my website to me via Venmo.
The best way to think about this is that a therapist focuses on your past while a life coach works with where you are presently at and your direction moving forward.
The first two coaching sessions are a bit unique in that they are 90 minutes long and focus on specific areas which allow us to set the foundation for our coaching plan together.
In these two sessions, you will gain clarity on your values, beliefs, what is important to you, and a deeper understanding of who you are becoming.Additionally, we will take a high-level view of all aspects of your current life and explore where you’re currently at and where you hope to go. The last part of our initial two sessions together will be to set your intention for the remainder of our time working together. This is a powerful guide for you moving forward.
Women who are either at a pivotal time in their life (children going off to college, changing their career, etc.) or those that are feeling stale and sense a calling towards something more.
The longer that you work intentionally and with the accountability of a life coach, the more likely you are to be successful in the goals that you set. Research suggests that it takes about 66 days to form a new habit. For many women, there may be several goals that come together to support your coaching intention… the more support, the more tools, and the more accountability you have, the better chance you have to meet your goal.
Everything starts with your FREE Discovery Call. Click here to learn more about what the roadmap looks like.
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